
a new day.

well....let's see. i may make a list today, because i have many random thoughts... :)
*i found a website that reads peter pan aloud. i'm listening to a chapter {or two} a night. im in love.
*today i had a NAHS meeting, and i am very excited for some of the things that we are trying to plan.
*today is my first day at hollister. i have a 5-9 shift. updates later! im so nervous...
*i have to go work on my art project and other random to-do's now, but, ill check in again later.
have a wonderful thursday!


  1. Hooray for Peter Pan! :D
    What's the website, if I may ask?

    And when you're done reading/listening, but sure to read this adventure, too - it's a continuation based on Barrie's own idea for more! Click!


  2. http://www.gutenberg.org/etext/22984

  3. Thanks! :D
    I hope you enjoy the other book ;)
