so, recently, i have become so much more in tune to home furnishings, and architecture, and also thinking about places i would and would not like to live. and i have come to a couple of conclusions... first of all. i really don't care where i live, but i need somewhere that:
a. has plenty of fun things to do around it
b. has nice people, who love life
c. has seasons, because i like them
d. is absolutely inspiring and beautiful
e. likes local. {not walmart infested}
and then, when it comes to my house, i dont want a cookie cutter mowed green lawn. no. no. no. i want a little cottage. well, a medium cottage. with...
a. oddly shaped windows in odd places
b. a few squeeky spots in the floorboards
c. an adorable but functional kitchen, with a big window
d. a special little nook where i can hide and read a book and drink a cup of tea
e. storage space
f. a really cute door
g. pretty colors
h. art everywhere, and somewhere to store it
i. a lot of character
j. a closet under the staircase
i. a built in floor to ceiling bookcase {cute}
i may add to this.... :)
pics: http://www.flickr.com/photos/35885784@N08/ http://www.flickr.com/photos/from_linda_yvonne/ http://www.flickr.com/photos/saltygal/
dont forget an asymetrical attic with plenty of hidden surprises and heirlooms from previous owners!