it has been way too long of a day. woke up at four am. and actually did a lot of productive things. unfortunately, my mind was too stressed out and worried to actually feel like i spent my day effectively. because to me it seems like all i did was sit around, worry, try to keep myself calm, occupied, and relaxed...... ahhh. i need answers.
the good things of my day:
*i got to work alot on my art journal, which i never really take the time to do until deadlines, so its nice to have gotten a head start.
*i took my dad to the airport this morning at 4, which meant my mom got to sleep, and which also meant i got to come home at six and climb back into bed, which is always fun.
*i worked on other important homework.
*i made an awesome lunch of cheesy eggs and honeybutter toast. dont make fun, its good stuff :)
*jenna is home.
*i pampered myself, and took a nice long bath and used my new french rose petal soap.
*i took a nap
*burned incense {part of my relaxing}
im excited for dinner with annemarie tomorrow.... i have so much to talk to her about, and miss her dearly. i miss a lot of people...
alright, goodnight kids.